Photo of Demi Pressley

Full Scope Pharmacist & Chief Pharmacist, Alive Pharmacy Group

Demi Pressley

Demi Pressley is the Chief Pharmacist of Alive Pharmacy Group in North Queensland. She has over 10 years of community pharmacy experience including as a compounding pharmacist and medication review pharmacist. Demi is among the first graduating cohort of prescribing pharmacists in Australia and wrote Australia’s first ever pharmacist prescription. Demi has been involved with the Queensland Community Pharmacy Full Scope of Practice Pilot training delivered by James Cook University as a trainer for workshops teaching fellow pharmacists the skills necessary to deliver optimal patient care through the pilot. Demi began working with James Cook University as a tutor for all year levels when the undergraduate pharmacy degree became available in Cairns.

Session details: Pharmacist working to Full Scope in acute minor wound care – accreditation, implementation and practical considerations | Saturday 22 March 2025 | 11.00am – 11.30am