President, World Pharmacy Council
Doug Hoey
Doug Hoey is President of the World Pharmacy Council and CEO of the National Community Pharmacists Association (US), which represents the owners of nearly 19,000 pharmacy businesses whose pharmacists provide prescription dispensing services and help fill primary care gaps. Doug is a licensed pharmacist in Oklahoma, Virginia, and Texas and practiced in comÂmunity pharmacies before moving to NCPA. He is widely quoted by media as an industry expert on community pharmacy payment and practice issues. He also developed and taught pharÂmacology courses at George Washington and Marymount universities. Doug is also a member of the Surescripts Board of Directors, Chairman of the NCPA Innovation Center, and co-Chairman of the Community Pharmacy Enhanced Services-USA Board.
Session details: The world community pharmacy scene | Why are some global giants failing: what is the key to success? | Thursday 20 March 2025 | 11.00am – 11.45am